April 26, 2021

On the field during play, the opponent will try to distract you and your teammates. Remember the Rocky movies when they had the press briefings before the fight? All the smack talk? Well, our opponents are doing exactly that. And, one thing I learned long ago from Coach Joannie Harris is not to let them distract you! You need to be ready: practice. You have a position: play it. You have a goal: win. Sometime between the game and the next practice, she would give us feedback (“coaching”) on what went right and what went wrong. We never took it personally, we just worked to get better. Most importantly, we never told the other team what our plan was, we never put down our teammates, we listened to Coach Harris, and we stuck together.

Today the Pima County Republican Party has an exceptional Executive Team, amazing Legislative District leadership, and 560 Precinct Committeemen (players), all of whom I am proud to call my coaches. We have about 200,000 fans (voters) in the stands waiting for us to win the game. They aren’t practicing with us right now, but they will show up on game day (Election Day).

We may not always agree with what the Coach tells us to do, but we stick with our team and follow the play. Occasionally something will happen in the game, and we have to “make the play” as best we can. Hopefully, we are seasoned and practiced enough to make a good call. We are always reviewing our plays to get better. If we all have the same goal, then we cannot be divided.

As the democrats bring on the lawsuits in our audit, we will stand side-by-side and not be distracted by the tactics. We have a goal, we have a position on the team, and we are ready to win. I support our Republican team. I support the Arizona Senate and President Fann. And I support you. Play your position. Stand strong. Be Republican.

I saw Coach Harris at my high school reunion a couple of years ago, and we sat and had a glass of wine (she told me she wouldn’t bench me). All these years later I am still learning. But now you are my coaches. Let’s win together.