August 30, 2021

“A man can fail many times, but…”

How is it that Joe Biden could bring a country to its knees in such a short time? So much is written about leadership, but this quote from John Burroughs nails it: “A man can fail many times, but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.” Joe Biden and his administration have failed; they have blamed everyone but themselves. The democrats have failed in the Presidency, Senate, and House of Representatives—yet they blame everyone but themselves. Biden, Pelosi and Schumer are failing the American people with their failed policies and feckless leadership. We must stop these failed elected officials. We must make changes. We must work to put Republican leadership back in the Presidency, the Senate, the House, City of Tucson and Pima County. 

“…there seemed to be no hope at all.”

Dale Carnegie said, “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” For me, our freedom and liberty are most important, and I will succeed at changing the leadership of our city, county, and country in order to keep our Republic. There are over 650 Republican Precinct Committeemen in Pima County. It’s time. There is something for every one of you to do. Contact your 125 voters. Write articles for E-Pulse. Attend your LD meetings. Attend trainings at our HQ. Meet other PCs for coffee; build your relationships. Volunteer at the HQ. Hold a voter registration. Read the Federalist Papers on our website under ABOUT. Recruit new PCs. Mentor a new PC. Volunteer for a campaign.

“…your emergency brake is on.”

It’s time to release the emergency brake. We need to move at a speed that makes people pay attention. “You can’t expect to move forward if your emergency brake is on.”  I think Angela Cecilia has a message for us—RELEASE THE BRAKE. There are about 3,000 of you who receive this E-Tracks. As soon as you finish reading it—1) post it on your social media, 2) forward it to your contacts, 3) decide what you are going to do to be involved. We must fight to keep our freedoms to 

  • Ensure competitive Congressional and Legislative districts throughout the state
  • Maintain our precincts in Pima County–no changes by Pima County Elections to increase precinct size (see below)
  • Stop government overreach by bureaucratic agencies (CDC)
  • Vote down a new layer of City of Tucson bureaucracy veiled in a $15/hour minimum wage initiative (See article in E-Pulse)
  • Stop the socialist overreach of the City of Tucson and Pima County demanding city and county workers to vax up
  • Stop our school districts from mandating masks and vaccinations
  • Support our first responders against forced vaccination
  • Educate our children in reading, writing, and arithmetic not race, diversity, and inclusion
  • Procure medications such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and not allow government to determine your treatment
  • Protect our citizens who are fearing for their health, safety, and religious freedom
  • Assist our businesses in fighting against government control and takeover
  • Elect our Republican candidates
  • Free Pima County from the socialist policies of the City and County democrats

“…but we can’t do anything.”

And to our elected leaders in Washington DC and to our candidates… To our candidates, you need our votes. We will be there for you, and we expect you to be there for us. If you say it between now and November 2022, be prepared to do it in January 2023. To our elected leaders in Washington, we sent Republicans with President Donald J. Trump in 2016 to stop government overreach, end Obamacare, rebuild the infrastructure, and Make America Great Again. You didn’t do it. It’s easy to be in the minority party, but remember, failure is when you blame somebody else. You may fail, but you MUST try. Don’t blame the democrats if you didn’t try. We cannot tolerate another thumbs down vote. 

Release your emergency brake. Join me. Our freedom and liberty are most important, and we will succeed.