December 6, 2021

Lies, Damned Lies, and Political Lies
The final hearing of the Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC) is over for this decade. Here’s a riddle for you from just one of the many incidents at the hearing:

What has two legs, long gray hair and when she finishes testifying before the IRC she turns away and walks down the aisle holding her hand in the air “flipping off” the Commissioners?

–A Democrat!
The Lies
This should not be a political process. The Democrats suggested that the Republicans worked with an incumbent, business leaders, and Republicans to create an LD 17 district that is a Republican district. And that’s not fair they say.

And the rest of the story, Tribal leaders, State Senators, Supervisors from the Pima County Board of Supervisors, and elected officials from Pima County received preferential treatment to speak before the IRC and speak to the maps they have submitted, the rationale for the maps, and the importance of why their community of interest (a group of people in a geographical area, such as a specific region or neighborhood, who have common political, social or economic interests) must not be separated. Each of these individuals who spoke are Democrats. Not political you say?

Damned Lies
Leaked emails, letters of support, phone calls—the palace intrigue continues. The Arizona Democratic Party contracts with Tony Cani of Slingshot Campaigns. Is this the same Tony Cani who was the Joe Biden Deputy Director in AZ, Campaign Manager for Phoenix Mayor Gallego, Senior Policy for Greg Stanton? Those jobs sound political. And the Democrats lay out their Timeline, Emails, Letters, and Demographic and Competitiveness Reports. This will become their foundation for a lawsuit if they don’t get their way in redistricting. They know they are losing, and they are getting ready for a court battle.

And the rest of the story, why hasn’t the Arizona Republican Party contracted with an opposition research firm to investigate and document the testimony from Senator Sally Gonzales, LD 3. She provided a map and testimony at the IRC hearing. She indicated that they would be changing her district to a rural district, and she didn’t like that. And how about the Pima County Board of Supervisors who spoke to the importance of Latino voters? Doesn’t the BoS represent all of us? Or the County Recorder who ensures free and fair elections? Why is she so worried about ensuring that the Native Americans are represented? What about Pima County? We are not contracting with anyone because we are winning.

Political Lies
It doesn’t have to be true, just say it repeatedly. If you were at the IRC meeting you knew what was going to be said within the first five seconds. LD 17 BAD; Reservations TOGETHER; Latinos must be REPRESENTED; Pima County is COMPETITIVE; Republicans GERRYMANDER. Just keep saying it over and over. It doesn’t have to be true. That’s what they are thinking.

And the rest of the story, it has worked for them. But we are stopping them. Political lies create the most intrigue—and the hardest fall from power and relevancy. Let’s take ‘em down. Join me.