February 8, 2021

As the 2021-2022 Executive Committee moved into place, big changes were about to happen. We decided that it was time for the Pima County Republican Party to start new and that meant it was time for a good housecleaning, a new coat of paint (or 18 gallons), realign the workspace to maximize working and meeting space, and get ready to throw open our doors for the upcoming city elections and the 2022 Statewide elections. We are almost ready and will be welcoming our fellow Precinct Committeemen and Republicans with a professional meeting place in the weeks to come.

The candidate searches are underway for our City Council Candidates and our upcoming 2022 Candidates. There are many offices to consider if you are thinking about candidacy. We will be publishing a list of federal, state, city and school board races in the near future.

Your Executive Committee members are out meeting with your clubs and your legislative districts and are available to speak at any of your meetings. The job of your ExCom is to serve, and we are here working for you.

Shelley Kais