July 12, 2021

Secretary Xavier Becerra (Health and Human Services) argued that the federal government is entitled to know who has been vaccinated against COVID-19. “Perhaps we should point out that the federal government has had to spend trillions of dollars to try to keep Americans alive during this pandemic, so it is absolutely the government’s business. It is taxpayers’ business if we have to continue to spend money to try to keep people from contracting COVID and helping reopen the economy.”

Government overreach, control, and manipulation all rolled into one statement. Good luck with that Secretary. One thing that Republicans don’t like to hear is “you have to ‘cause I said so.” As Republicans, we understand the importance of individual rights and freedoms, and we make decisions that are in the best interest of ourselves, our families, and our communities. Democrats love the group think, the collective.

The good news, my fellow Republicans, is that even the Ds are getting sick of it. Teachers are starting to say that the NEA and AEA don’t represent them. Parents are saying that they can no longer follow the group think on schooling for their children, and parents never believed their children should have to grow up in communities where there is no public safety. People realize that it is the Ds who are keeping our economy from reopening, and it is the Republicans who are fighting for our small businesses and the return of our economic freedoms. Yes, Republicans do not like overreach, control, and manipulation, and we don’t stand for it in our own party and we certainly won’t stand for it from the current administration.

As we begin to welcome the walkaway democrats into the ranks of the party of freedom-loving people who understand the importance of maintaining our checkbook, protecting our individual rights, keeping our streets and communities safe, schooling our children, supporting our businesses and demonstrating compassion and love to every human being, it is time for us to pull together and show our leadership, our compassion, our competence as we take back Pima County. Together we will do this, Pima County!