June 6 – Are we that generation?

“Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. And those in world history who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.”

President (Governor) Ronald Reagan
Inaugural Address, January 5, 1967

My husband had COVID a couple of weeks ago. He’s doing much better. We learned something very alarming during this COVID journey; we have lost our freedom. After a thorough assessment and a positive COVID test, the doctor called in two prescriptions, recommended some increases in vitamins, lots of fluids and the healing would begin. After a couple of hours, I headed down to the pharmacy and received just one prescription. When I contacted the physician, I was told the pharmacist would not fill one of the prescriptions. The pharmacist quoted a National Institute of Health (NIH) directive that said the medication was not to be used to treat COVID. It wasn’t that this pharmacist thought she knew more than our doctor that bothered me so much (although that really did make me angry), but the fact that the government has now decided what treatments will be administered, not the doctor whom we trust.
Remember, “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”? Of course Barack Obama could say those words because he had just set up a system where the government was going to tell your doctor how they could treat you! We have lost medical freedom. My friend who is suffering from dizziness diagnosed at the ER by an “inner ear something” contacted the ENT recommended and got an appointment for AUGUST; two and a half months away! There are many more stories that we could tell about the decline of our healthcare system, and I am sure you all have one to share but let us remember the elected officials who we voted into office who have allowed this. We have shackled the free-market medical system and now more closely resemble a third-world country in medical delivery.
Pima County Administrator Jan Lesher, through the Pima County Board of Supervisors, is directing that all Poll Workers be vaccinated. In addition to the vaccination, she has directed through her Director of Elections that the Poll Inspector(s) ask this question of all the Poll Workers. We have lost our medical privacy. This decision is coming before the Board of Supervisors on June 7. We must demand that our Supervisors not require vaccination as a term of short-term, temporary employment. The Arizona Legislators have passed a bill which would not allow this; however, the bill does not take effect until 90 days after the end of the 2022 Legislative Session. Supervisor Christy has stood steadfast against the vaccination/mask mandates; we must persuade the other four Supervisors to do the same.
No Republican condones the shootings in our churches, grocery stores, schools, and hospitals that we have witnessed over the past weeks. I don’t believe any Democrats do either. Our nation grieves for our children, our brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, grandparents who have been murdered by these senseless killings. We cannot, however, allow these acts of violence committed by people with serious mental issues to change the history or the future of our country. The political theater that is playing out in Washington DC serves nothing more than soundbites for campaign videos. We must not lose our 2nd Amendment rights. It is time for us to listen to our candidates and ensure that we are sending people to Washington DC who will protect our freedoms, serve God, and serve our country and the great State of Arizona.
Are we the generation that allows freedom to be extinct? We could talk about the freedoms we have lost in the education of our children, the freedom of choice we are losing at the grocery store, the freedom of security we are losing at our borders and many more freedoms we have lost over the past 60 years. But talking won’t get the job done.
We saw TOP GUN. I highly recommend it. I loved the American flags throughout the movie, the patriotism. Fighter pilots are some of the most competitive people I know, but in the end, they are family. They understand the vision of freedom, they believe in the mission of the fight, they will put it all out there and those who come back will stay together for the next fight. They never give up on freedom.
“Don’t think, just do.” We need to elect our Republican candidates. Join me, keep fighting for freedom.