March 22, 2021

It has been another amazing week in this job as the Chairman of Pima County Republican Party: from speaking to the Greater Tucson Leadership, LD 14, PCs, our Pima County leadership team, and our State Chairman Kelli Ward; from attending a PACKED Green Valley Lincoln-Reagan Day Luncheon; and from answering lots of emails. This job has a lot of listening in it, and I have learned so much from listening to all of you.

Someone asked me why I wouldn’t sign a Recall Petition for the Governor. My answer is simple—he’s a Republican, and the next in line – Secretary of State – is a Democrat. It’s like voting for a Democrat.

Someone else asked why I allowed someone to be an appointed PC. My answer is simple—he’s a Republican. I believe in a big tent. Someone submitted a PC Appointment form, did not receive approval, and has asked why it’s not approved. My answer is simple—you are registered as a Democrat.

And then the discussions get less simple. I have had numerous discussions on whether or not a REPUBLICAN PC can collect signatures, walk neighborhoods, hold meetings for the INDEPENDENT candidate(s) running for City Council. This answer is not so simple, because we don’t have a Republican who has submitted paper work to run. As Republicans we affirm that we will support the Republican party and we will work to elect Republican candidates. In the absence of a Republican candidate in the past, we have supported Independents. This is where it gets confusing for me. If the Republicans continue to support Independents because candidates believe “Republicans can’t win an election in the City of Tucson with a 2 to 1 Democrat voter registration advantage,” then shouldn’t our job be working to overcome the voter registration deficit by registering Republicans, working on Ward Only initiative, and finding strong Republican candidates to run as Republicans? Help me out on this one; I am listening.

Shelley Kais