October 18, 2021

2022 Election Issues

In a poll conducted by the Long Island University Steven S. Hornstein Center for Policy, Polling and Analysis, they determined that the economy and coronavirus were the top two issues going into the 2022 election. Healthcare and national security followed with Republicans being most concerned with #1 economy and #2 national security. 

It’s Elections, Stupid!

Remember when they said “it’s about the economy, stupid!”  But, who will really care about the economy, healthcare, national security or even the coronavirus if we don’t have a free and fair election? Will it really matter if the economy is tanking if you don’t have a chance to put someone in office to make a difference? Healthcare and coronavirus go hand-and-hand for me. Biden is slowly introducing socialized medicine with the “free” jab and the “free” drive thru antibody testing facilities. And with coronavirus we are “power-grabbing” your freedoms and liberties and forcing a vaccine on U.S. citizens. Notice that illegal immigrants still get to choose to vax or not. And why isn’t Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer mandating the vaccine for Congress and their staff? Let us also not forget that OSHA regulations do not apply to Congress either, so Congress has figured a way around getting the jab as well.  

President Trump has called for a canvas of Pima County. In our September 27 issue of E-Tracks, we called for an audit of Pima County. If we go and knock on a door and the occupant says “Bill and Jane Smith?, No, they don’t live here anymore.  We are John and Jill Jones.” That’s good information, but we can’t go to the Recorder’s Office and say “We just stopped by 123 Coronado Street and the Smiths don’t live there anymore, the Jones do.” Guess what, the Recorder’s office can’t do a thing. It’s the voter that has to make the change. It’s the voter that has to register–again, good information but it’s time to audit the processes, machines, and the voter rolls–not just a canvas.

Elections Right Now–We Need You!  

There are two elections that will take place in Pima County on November 2 and we need POLL OBSERVERS.  Can we count on you?  Please volunteer.

Let’s fight for clean, free, and fair elections in Pima County, Arizona, and across the country.  Join me.
Shelley’s Note:  The methodology for the poll is unscientific and the sample selection is not representative.