September 13, 2021

Joe Biden, Katie Hobbs, Regina Romero, and Chuck Huckleberry and his four followers (Scott, Heinz, Bronson, Grijalva) can throw all the issues they want at the Pima County Republican Party, but we are going to keep on fighting them one-by-one. The state of the union, the state of the county, and the state of the city are not good. If you are reading this, you have most likely chosen to live in Pima County and are probably well- aware of our rising crime rates, increased homelessness, shuttered businesses, local government’s attempt to meddle in our personal and private lives, inability to attract and retain law enforcement and first responders, failing roads and infrastructure, failing schools, and lost jobs. And now we are adding county bureaucrats’ interest in gerrymandering our political parties and denying county citizens access to justice. Here are just a few reasons why, if you are a PND/IND and lean right, it’s time to LEAN IN—change your registration and get involved with the party that can and will make the difference. If you are a Republican, please join us in the fight.    

United States

  • Americans being left behind in Afghanistan (See below)
  • Government forcing businesses to meddle in your personal and private healthcare decisions. Ronald Klain, White House COS said, “OSHA doing this vax mandate as an emergency workplace safety rule is the ultimate work-around for the Federal govt to require vaccinations.” The Biden administration is weaponizing the federal workforce against the U.S. citizens
  • CDC changes the definition of VACCINE
    • Old Definition: Vaccine: A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections but can also be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.
    • New Definition: Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.

Read very carefully, from ” to produce immunity” to “stimulate the body’s immune response”.  It may or may not work!


 Pima County

  • Department of Elections pushing to create mega-precincts significantly reducing the number of polling locations in Pima County. Huge impact on District 1 (Marana/Oro Valley)
  • Pima County bureaucrats recommending the elimination of a Judicial/Constable District in Pima County reducing the peoples’ access to justice. Pay attention Vail/Green Valley/Corona de Tucson!

 City of Tucson

Sound like doom and gloom? It would be if you didn’t have such a mighty minority party (the Grand Old Party Republicans) working for you in Pima County. We are on all these issues and more.  Join us.