September 26, 2022 – Hey batter, batter… start the chatter!

It’s Nice to Have Friends
Every Sunday Jim and I have breakfast with three other couples. We have been having breakfast on Sunday for years. We are all Republicans and love to talk about politics and what’s going on in the world. We have a group text and keep each other informed throughout the week and share books we have read. The book Letter to the American Church by Eric Metaxas came up today.

In the Restaurants
We have had some dirty looks from others in the restaurant in the past, but yesterday a woman came to our table and said, “you can’t help but overhear the conversations” and I thought—oh yea, here it comes. And then she placed her hand on her chest and said, “I am a Republican, and it’s not very often you hear Republicans talking so openly in public.” We all laughed and shared some pleasantries and then she and her husband left. There is no doubt the country is divided, but why would we not openly share the ideas our elected officials have for a Strong Economy, a Safe Nation, a Free America, and an Accountable Government? Why wouldn’t we want to talk about them with our family, friends, and neighbors? And why wouldn’t we discuss the Biden Administration’s:

  • Out of control spending, increased by over $9 trillion since February 2021
  • Year-over-year food prices up 13.5%; the largest increase ever
  • Gas prices up more than 60% under the current Administration
  • Electricity prices up 20% since Biden took office
  • 3.5 million illegal border crossings under the current Administration
  • Individuals from over 160 countries illegally crossing our border
  • 300 Americans die from fentanyl poisoning every week; leading cause of deal for adults 18-45
  • Highest murder rate in over 20 years in 2021
  • The Chinese navy is now the largest in the world; yes, bigger than the U.S. Navy
  • Confidence in public schools is now at just 28%
  • Labeling parents seeking to attend school board meetings as DOMESTIC TERRORISTS
  • U.S. life expectancy has decreased for two straight years, the biggest drop since 1943

And if you think you can hide behind your computer and send out emails, 70% of Republican campaign emails go to spam on Google Mail, compared to just 10% of Democrat campaign emails! Our fellow Pima County residents already feel all these issues in their pockets; we need to tell them what our candidates are doing to make a difference. We need to talk!

At the Grocery Store
We stopped by the Grocery Store on our way home and as I was looking at green peppers, a woman I have never seen came up to me and said, “we have to do something about the price of food”. We started talking about the prices and she commented, “can you image what it must be like for families right now?” She’s right. The cost of eggs has soared 38%, flour is up 22.7%, chicken 17.6%, milk 15.6%, ground beef 9.7%, bacon 9.2% and fruits and vegetables 9.3%. People are hurting. Tell them how to fix this-vote Republican.

You Have to Show Up to Speak Up
There were 207,000 people in Pima County who voted for President Trump. They showed up. We need even more people to show up in 2022, and it is up to us to get them out there. And it starts with our candidates. Juan Ciscomani was scheduled to debate his opponent on Thursday, September 22, at 5 pm. Both candidates were scheduled to attend and had confirmed.

She didn’t show up for the debate, and she won’t show up for you in Congress just like Ann Kirkpatrick didn’t. Our Congressional District 6 needs a Representative who shows up to do the work and represents the people of Southern Arizona. It is our job to get out there an tell our family, friends, and neighbors.

JUAN CISCOMANI is just that guy. This district is where Juan grew up. He knows our community and our state. Most of you have met Juan because he has attended all the Republican clubs, Legislative Districts, has walked our border, walks the precincts with us, knows the industries that are so important to Southern Arizona. He’s not afraid to talk about the issues. HE SHOWS UP. He doesn’t hide from the issues. Juan believes in a Strong Economy, a Safe Nation, a Free American, and an Accountable Government.

Let’s send Juan to Washington to do all that for us. Join me.

And join me in watching Luis Pozzolo debate Raul Grijalva September 26, at 5 pm, on your AZPBS station.