February 22, 2021

The acquittal of President Trump on February 13 was quickly eclipsed by the sadness of Rush Limbaugh’s passing. My pastor once said, “Teach your children to love the rain.” That phrase comes to me in times like this when we realize that things won’t always be happy, but we find joy in remembering Rush’s words and wisdom and the stories that have been shared about him. Another part of the joy was hearing President Trump share his stories about Rush. We hadn’t heard from President Trump in a while, so even in sadness, we find joy.

And in loss, we find wins. While our elected Precinct Committeemen were at 349 in December, we added 53 more on February 16 and have approximately 50 more in the pipeline! PC training is continuing with one more class at the end of February, and we are considering many more opportunities to involve our PCs. Our Legislative District meetings are “selling out” and interested Republicans are stepping up to join our ranks. Our Trunk and Tusk program is moving forward as we prepare to reach out to our Republican Community and welcome them to become a part of Trunk and Tusk.

On March 2 at 5:00 pm, Chris DeSimone is hosting a WakeUp Tucson event at St. Phillips Plaza. He is inviting all potential candidates to come and introduce themselves.

There are many things happening in our party. We may have felt the rain, but the sun is coming out, spring is in the air, and the Pima County Republican Party is moving forward!

Please join now! Our first Trunk and Tusk event is coming up on March 26:

Southern Border Tour with Sheriffs Mark Dannels and Mark Lamb