March 1, 2021

The economy is struggling. If I had to decide this year to add $14,000 worth of debt to my family’s financial plan, I would not do it. Why then does Congress think it is ok to add $14,000 per household to the National Debt? We are probably not going to see significant pay increases this year at our jobs, but Congress thinks it is a good idea to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. If the government asked me to contribute $1,000 to bail out local and state governments that have mismanaged their funds, the answer is NO. And for all these things they want from me, they want to give me $1,400 “recovery rebate.” Save my children’s future and stop the spending! This is all happening right now in Washington DC as they get ready to pass a $1.9 trillion spending package. The real showstopper for me is on page 305 of this 591-page bill entitledAmerican Rescue Plan Act of 2021. The Emergency Federal Employee Leave Fund appropriated at $570,000,000. Learn more

Really all I want is to reopen schools, put people back to work, get vaccines for those who want them, and keep our community safe. What gives me great hope is Republicans all over Pima County want those same things and are joining as Trunk and Tusk members, Precinct Committeemen, and are volunteering to work at the party and investigating whether or not to run for office. Parents are demanding their children go back to school, businesses are suing local governments to stop the lockdowns and end the curfews, and people are taking off their masks and fighting for their freedoms. Join us in the fight. Be Republican!