July 25, 2022 – Tested in the Darkest of Moments

Tested in the Darkest of Moments
Jim and I watched the movie We Are Marshall this week. I can’t imagine the heartbreak in Huntington, WVa, on November 14, 1970, when Southern Airlines Flight 932 crashed killing all 75 passengers aboard–the Marshall University football team, coaching staff, and fans. The movie depicted the division in the community, the University, and even the players about building back the football program at Marshall University. It reminded me of the tragedy of 9-11. We lost friends and neighbors in the Pentagon. Our little Virginia suburb was devastated by the losses. Our daughter had friends who lost a parent. Sometimes through those darkest hours, there just doesn’t seem to be any light, any hope, any future.

Many Americans are experiencing dark moments today. Whether financial distress, emotional or family distress, drug/alcohol/gambling addictions or being forced to make decisions among life’s necessities–food, gas, pharmacy; they are being tested. Our country is being tested with an economic crisis, border crisis, drug crisis, housing crisis, and a void of leadership at the highest level. They need us; our country needs the Republican values and principles to lead us out of these crises.

Hope Always Emerges
Coach Jack Lengyel came to Marshall University in the spring of 1971 to rebuild the team and to help heal the community. Leaders emerged following 9-11 and communities came together. People greeted each other with empathy that we needed one another to get through the grief.

We are eight days from electing our nominees — our hope for the future. Leaders from across the state have stepped up to lead our communities, our state, and our nation when they assume office. Coach Lengyel had to rely on a freshman football team to build his program back; Arizona has a bench strength of varsity players to choose from. Everyone has a favorite, but only one candidate will win.

But Can We Build Back
Just like Marshall University and Huntington, there will be division among us following the primary. Some of you will want to build and work for the candidate and some of you will want to walk away. The question will be do we have courage (strength in the face of grief) and the tenacity (persistence) to unify behind the Republican nominee and defeat the Democrats? It all comes down to us; to our Republican values, principles, and leadership.

The Future Can Be Bright
Marshall University won the Division I-AA National Championship in 1992 and was national runner up in 1991, 1993, and 1995. The Pentagon has been rebuilt, work continues there and the strongest military in the world headquarters behind those walls. Our future in Arizona can be bright with Republicans elected from the top of the ticket to the down ballot. The future is ours. Let’s build the team and keep the Republic our forefathers created for us, the America First agenda President Trump gave us, and the rights that no one can take from us.

Join me. Work to elect your candidate on August 2 and then join me on August 3 as we defeat the Democrats.