August 1, 2022 – Call in the Girls

Pushing their Radical Agenda against our Children as they Lead Us into War

There are 100 days until we can reject the insane, far-left policies of the Democrats. Embedded in every executive level department and agency are the most radical left activists serving in government positions forcing their left-wing ideology through programs with strings attached.

No Free Lunch
There is no free lunch. To President Biden, “… your Administration would take lunch money away from our kids and grandkids in pursuit of a radical agenda that has no basis in science and is not supported by the vast majority of the American people”. Fifteen GOP governors (Governor Ducey included) sent a letter to President Biden questioning the USDA and DOE’s misguided interpretation of Title IX—using gender identity rather than sex. This interpretation and push of the left’s radical agenda endangers school-aged girls. Recently at Ranger College several girls at a cheerleading camp locked themselves in a room in fear when a transgender cheerleader allegedly choked a teammate. 99.42% of the population is being forced to comply with these far-left policies accommodating .58% of the population. To force transgender policies, this administration is holding our children hostage to free and reduced lunches which are sometimes the only meal a child eats in a day. Here in Pima County, we have children who depend on that meal.

Call In the Girls
For the last 18 months, we have watched as Democrats have slipped their far-left policies into legislation and regulation. The fight over whether women should be required to register for a potential draft has been revived in Congress and the proposal is back in the version of the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, making its way through the Senate. Conservatives are vowing a fierce fight against what they refer to as “drafting our daughters”. In June 2022, the Senate Armed Services Committee voted 20-6 to require women to register for the draft as part of its version of this year’s NDAA. The House Armed Services Committee does not contain a similar provision despite their support last year. When combat jobs were opened to women in 2015, Congress followed by requiring women register for the draft in the 2016 NDAA. It did not pass in 2016. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-NY, is a supporter of “drafting our daughters” and stated this year’s NDAA is one of the “important programs and measures that are now on their way to becoming law”. She believes that “to say only men are needed in that moment of a national emergency is outrageous and obscene”. What should be more concerning to the Senate and House Armed Services Committees as they draft the NDAA are the facts that:

  • 70% of people between 17-24 are unqualified for military service,
  • 17% of Active Component Soldiers and 25% of Reserve/National Guard Soldiers are obese, and
  • 37,000 of Active Component non-deployable Soldiers are non-deployable due to medical reasons.

‘Cause War May be Coming
President Vladimir Putin signed a new naval doctrine listing the United States as Russia’s top global adversary. Putin believes the strategic policy of the US to dominate the world’s oceans is a threat. China is thinking that as well. China warned of a firm and absolute response if Nancy Pelosi visits Taiwan. If China’s threats lead to actual harm, that is a Declaration of War. Meanwhile, Chinese and Russian warships are near the disputed East China Sea islands. And just one month ago, Biden threw out the stability in the Middle East that was achieved by President Trump and his administration. And let us not forget the war in Ukraine—a war which we are supporting.

Tomorrow you MUST vote. As you look to select a Senator and a member of Congress, consider what they will be facing when he/she arrives in Congress. As you select a Governor, consider how they will handle the Free and Reduced Lunch programs in our state. Choose wisely as if your life depends on it; it just might.

Join me tomorrow. Vote. And as importantly, join me on Wednesday to elect the Republican who the people elected. We must show the strength of the Republican Party; we must unify to beat the Democrats.