September 6, 2022 – Is Joe Biden…?

It Began in 1882

The first Labor Day Street parade was in New York City on September 5, 1882. The street parade exhibited “the strength and esprit de corps of the trade and labor organizations” of the community, followed by a festival for recreation and amusement for the workers and their families. But, it was almost the parade that wasn’t because they didn’t have a band until the Jewelers Union of Newark crossed the Hudson with a band and the parade began to the sounds of Gilbert and Sullivan’s “When I First Put This Uniform On”.

On February 21, 1887, Oregon was the first state to pass a law recognizing Labor Day. By 1894, 23 more states had adopted the holiday. In May-July 1894, a widespread railroad strike and boycott called the Pullman Strike, disrupted rail traffic in the U.S. Midwest. The strike resulted in the federal government obtaining an injunction that President Cleveland (D) used to dispatch federal troops to address the strike. Amid this crisis, on June 28, 1894, President Grover Cleveland signed legislation declaring Labor Day a national holiday to be observed the first Monday in September.

The 1880s were dismal times for workers. Long hours, dangerous conditions, and low wages led many workers to rally, protest and strike against their working conditions. On May 4, 1886, the Haymarket Square incident/affair/riot occurred in Chicago. It turned into a riot when someone threw a bomb at police. In August 1886, eight men labeled as anarchists were convicted in a sensational and controversial trial in conjunction with the riot and seven of the men were sentenced to death. Four of the men were hanged. One committed suicide and the other two had their sentences commuted to life in prison.

But with 250,000 railway workers on some 20 railroads, the strike demonstrated the power of the labor movement. Another significance of the Pullman strike is that it established a greater role for federal government intervention in strikes and introduced the use of the federal military in addressing strikes.

And, Here in 2022

The National Mediation Board (NMB), an independent U.S. federal government agency, has ordered railroad negotiators and the leadership of unions to return to Washington D.C. on September 7 to try and reach tentative agreements on wage, benefits, and work rules contracts to avoid a nationwide rail shutdown as early as September 16. The overwhelming majority of railroad workers say they reject a proposed settlement that fails to improve their draconian working conditions. Joe Biden’s Presidential Emergency Board’s recommendations of August 16 fell short of union demands and they are prepared to strike to win more.

On September 2, 2022, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Healthcare Pennsylvania nursing home workers went on strike in nursing homes across PA. Striking members of the following departments: CNAs, LPNs, Housekeeping, Dietary, Laundry, and Activities are affected. So are your loved ones!

Amazon, Apple, Chipotle, REI, Starbucks, Trader Joe’s; new unions are popping up everywhere. Unions are winning more than three-quarters of their elections. Three times as many U.S. workers went on strike in 2022 as in 2021.

American University ended a week-long strike on August 26, which disrupted the first week of school. About 550 American University staff, clerical, and advisory workers represented by SEIU announced a deal with campus management while a tentative agreement for adjunct faculty members was negotiated the same week.

I wrote about the Immigration and Customs Enforcement union that Biden has destroyed. He’s ‘defunding’ federal law enforcement by removing their protections and support.

Federal employees are refusing to return to the workplace and federal employee unions are fighting for remote positions and permanent telework. Federal workers can’t strike, and Congress and the President are too afraid to make them return to the workplace. Their unions are growing stronger.

The Biden Lockdown, the Fauci Lie

The root cause of the increase in dissatisfaction among workers? The Biden Lockdown/Fauci Lie. Workers who lost their jobs, see their wages falling, see their hours reduced are finally coming to realize that they must fight against the questionable tactics this administration has taken to control them. Whether it is the railway workers, healthcare workers, administrative workers, or law enforcement, we see a common bond in their dissatisfaction, and it links back to the policies of this administration.

Surprised to see a Republican standing on the side of workers? Don’t be. We all know the lockdowns of the Democrats, the attempts to destroy small business, the overreach of big government, and the overspending and new enforcements (87,000 IRS) of the Democrats will destroy our county.


Join me. Happy Labor Day!